Returns data frame of selected statistics for each match, for either whole team or individual players. Multiple URLs can be passed to the function, but only one `stat_type` can be selected
- match_url
the three character country code for all countries
- stat_type
the type of team statistics the user requires
- team_or_player
result either summarised for each team, or individual players
- time_pause
the wait time (in seconds) between page loads
The statistic type options (stat_type) include:
"summary", "passing", "passing"_types, "defense" , "possession", "misc", "keeper"
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
urls <- get_match_urls(country = "AUS", gender = "F", season_end_year = 2021, tier = "1st")
df <- get_advanced_match_stats(match_url=urls,stat_type="possession",team_or_player="player")
} # }